My Private Parts are None of Your Business

As a society, we are addicted to gender. For some reason, we believe, deep in our guts, that it is our business to know if someone has a penis or a vagina. We can’t even say these words comfortably in public, but we damn well have a right to the information from every single person on the planet. Right?

No! It is not anyone’s right to know what I zip up in my pants or cover with a dress or skirt. Whether or not I have a penis or vagina gives no rights to anyone else in how they treat me, what they think of my intelligence, strength, capability, etc. My sex organs are only relevant to someone I may want to mate with or to medical people I choose to consult. That’s it! What I have between my legs should never dictate what I wear, what job I hold, what chores I do around the house, what degree I get from college or technical school, who I love, with whom I have sex, or anything else.

Society wants to regulate my body, to make laws based on my sex organs about what medical care I may have and when, about who I can partner my life with, about what is “appropriate” with which to clothe myself. And for some in our society, if I go against these made up rules, they feel justified in making my existence illegal, beating me up, and even killing me. I reject this entirely. Who I am is not about my sex organs. Who I am is about what I offer in benefit to friends, family, my work, my community, etc. I am equally capable of being an ass or an asset no matter what sex organs I have.

We are aggressively trained to believe what we wear, how long our hair is, and what colors we like make us a person, and that person must reveal to everyone, at a glance, what their “private” parts are. If they don’t, society can cast them out, reject their humanity, and even take away their right to live. Is that really the world you want to live in? Has it ever given you peace of mind to be limited by someone else’s standards, or have the gender rules instead sometimes caused you to doubt who you are or your worth?

My value has nothing to do with whether or not I have a penis, a vagina, both, or neither. No one should feel entitled to any information about me that I do not choose to willingly offer. We are all humans, worth the air we breathe. How we choose to adorn ourselves, wear our hair, speak, create, love, and more should come from our hearts and souls and not be limited by anything.


Dramatic and Innapropriate


Mary Taylor Moore was My Hero