Why do we think we need gender? (TW- stuff related to unwanted sex mentioned)

What if there were no rules about how we dress, what colors we can like, and what job we can qualify for? What if our sex had nothing to do with with anything but how we enjoyed physical intimacy and if we could bare children? It wouldn’t matter if the person in the dress, heals, and makeup had a vigina or a penis. It wouldn’t matter if we called them he or she, they or them. We would spend none of our time negatively judging a passionate person because they have a vagina or a florist because they have a penis. We would simply go about life without these specific worries and judgments. This is the world I want to live in.

Because I have a vagina, many penis owners believe it is my job to make them feel good. So, if I am not smiling every moment of the day, they feel entitled to tell me to do so. I have never once heard a penis owner told to smile in order to make others feel better or so that they look more attractive. Penis owners, if smacked on the ass by a stranger, might punch the smacker in the face. However, I as a vagina owner, am supposed to accept the smack as though it is a compliment. A penis owner can tell someone standing too closely to them to back up, even aggressively, and there is nothing wrong with that. I, as a vagina owner, get told to calm down, don’t be so unfriendly, and asked what my problem is. I get called a bitch and a cunt, all because I may not want an individual to touch me or stand close to me.

On the other side, penis owners may get called a pussy or fag if they dress even slightly like a traditional vagina owner. They may get yelled at, intimidated, beaten up, or even killed if another penis owner doesn’t like their clothes, walking gait, vocal tone, or fingernail length. Penis owners who get raped are statistically 98% more likely to be raped by a “straight” penis owner than a gay one. (https://ywcaofmissoula.org/2000/01/facts-men-rape/) Approximately one in ever thirtythree penis owners has experienced sexual assault and or rape, that we can track. (https://bit.ly/2U7uN0o) Most rapes for penis owners, just like vagina owners, go unreported.

If you feel you need to defend gender rules, please ask yourself why? Do gender rules play any useful part in today’s society? Why do you feel it is not only your right but your need to know what someone zips up in their pants or covers with their skirt? Is wearing a dress and makeup a truly good reason to ban someone from employment, housing, food sources, or even a public bathroom? Does having a penis automatically mean that person must rape people? Are penis owners innately dangerous and violent, and all society must be protected from them?

Ask yourself why you feel it is your business and right to control what another person does with their body. Really dig deeply into how you feel, and see if there is really any sustainable logic to forcing people to stay in a current social construct of “acceptable” gender presentation. Every century and culture has brought changes, sometimes drastic ones, to how gender is presented. In the 21st century, is there any remaining need for gender classification? Isn’t medical sex classification enough?

If your need to know about what someone has between their legs is driven by sexual desire, you could simply tell a potential partner what you are looking for. If they don’t have it, you can move on. No one has lied to you. No one has tricked you. No one has done anything wrong. If you were looking for a long term relationship and the potential partner was looking for a one night stand, you could say so, and then you would know they are not for you. Simple, even if disappointing. It is not another person's responsibility to save you from disappointment or embarrassment.

We have been trained to believe it is our right and need to have, upon hello, very intimate and private information about every single person we casually pass on the street. With every fiber of my being, I disagree. My body, my business. I can use it, dress it, adorn it, and share it how I choose. No one else should have any rights to my body, nor I to theirs. For me, it is truly that simple.


Who Made the Rules?